Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thank You! Trident Academy Auction Attendees

I had the pleasure of presenting a technology package Fund-A-Need at the Trident Academy annual auction. Mr. Simpson, the technology director, and I requested funds for: adding to our robotics program, a portable Smart Board to use in the two buildings where mounted SmartBoards are not available, and for funds for an iPad initiative. The response from the attendees was wonderful. We met our requested funding and received additional funds that will be used to purchase applications (apps) for the iPads.
The ten new robotics kits are on order. The SmartBoard representative and I will be going over our order in the next few days. When the information on the new iPadHD is released this week, we will decide on which model best fits our students’ needs and place an order for at least 10 new iPads.
Mr. Simpson and I would like to thank all those who participated in helping us meet our goal to fund the technology Fund-A-Need. Our students will benefit from you kind generosity. Thanks to all who attended and especially to those who worked on making our auction a great success.