Sunday, November 13, 2011

Trident Academy Provides the Latest in Educational Opportunities for its Students with Learning Differences

Mary M. Silgals

When it comes to keeping up-to-date with the most current research and newest educational approaches for children with learning differences, Trident Academy is a leader in the field. The assistive technology lab continues to demonstrate student successes as the program continues to expand. New technologies are reviewed and new initiatives are under discussion. Meanwhile, the new Trident Academy Health and Wellness Center is near completion. Exercise equipment arrived this week and students will soon participate in a training and fitness curriculum specially designed for our students with learning differences.  

Liz Mullen, middle and high school science teacher and I will be attending the Learning and Brain Conference in Boston this weekend. Liz will attend the pre-conference workshop, “Creative Teens/Young Adults: Creative Thinking in the Classroom,” and I will attend the pre-conference workshop, “Instruction & Curriculum Tools for 21st Century Minds and Brains. Over three days of session offerings, we will have the chance to hear more than 40 experts discuss how schools and teachers can provide the cognitive skills students will need to succeed in the new global economy. As stated in conference materials: “To compete, today's students must adjust to rapid technological and social changes, navigate vast flows of information and learn to work collaboratively with diverse individuals and cultures. Experts will discuss some of the cognitive skills, tools, teaching techniques, and 21st Century curriculum schools can incorporate to better prepare students to succeed in the new millennium.”