Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Student's Voice

Luke Jeresaty
Editor's Note: Luke wrote this essay in Writers' Workshop and was willing to share it with our community.

        In the fifth grade, despite being considered as one of the smartest students in my grade, I was a mess. I felt like I couldn't get through a day without absolutely going crazy in my head. I was convinced that I would not survive middle school, let alone high school. However, the next year, we moved to South Carolina and found Trident Academy. My biggest trouble was in a class like Science, when the teacher would give the class directions, and I wouldn't understand them. At Trident, if that happened, I got enough individual attention so I would understand it. Also, if I lost anything, which happened a lot, teachers at Trident would be able to help me look for it, and come up with systems to help me stay organized.
       Before I came to Trident Academy, I felt like my classes were too large and that I couldn't get the individual attention that I needed to help me with my organization. Now, I can learn with nothing holding me back. My organization still isn't perfect, but the teachers at Trident have helped me improve. At Trident Academy, I can experience new exciting things, such as competing in a Math Meet or visiting a foreign country.
       Some classes at Trident Academy feel unique, such as the LEAD classes, where students who need it are given individual help with reading skills. You can also take Writers' Workshop classes, which are small-group classes that specialize in the process of informative and creative writing. All of the teachers at Trident Academy are excellent. They all understand the students' strengths and weaknesses, and what they need to help them learn.

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