Editor's Note: Sara Frances is a 9th grade student at TA. Over the last several years, she has developed a love for creative writing. I have asked her to, in her own words, write about her love of writing.
I love to write because it involves the use of imagination and it makes me really happy. Also, I love being creative and am really proud of my work when it's finished. I will admit that sometimes I slack off and don't write as much for a certain period of time, but I have a lot of ideas I want to write about in the future. My ideas come from different places depending on the story itself. Some may come from dreams, while others may come from a subject I've studied in school. It just depends.
Preferably, I like writing in my room where it's quiet and there are no distractions. When I try to write while watching TV or something, I end up getting distracted. Writing where it's quiet suits me best but sometimes I try to write in other places as well.
I have a couple of websites that I post my work on. One is called fanfiction.net. Fanfiction is a website where you are allowed to write stories based on different cartoons, books, movies, TV shows, comic books, Anime/Manga, etc. It's almost like making a new episode or chapter. For example, if someone wanted to create a story based on characters from The Hunger Games series, they could post it on fanfiction without having to worry about copyrighting laws or getting into legal trouble. Fanfiction was created for this purpose so it does not violate any major laws having to do with plagiarism or copyrighting. The other website is called TeenInk. TeenInk is where you post your own work with your own characters. There is a fanfic section there too but I prefer to use the website instead. Other people can post comments on your stories on both website commonly known as reviews. These can regard constructive criticism, compliments or nice comments and other things too. You can also read other people's work and post your own reviews. I have read and/or reviewed some pretty well written and entertaining stories on both websites might I add. I hope to become an author one day so I can share my work with the world or at least the country. Of course, there are other websites for posting stories like Deviant Art and ChickenSoothie, but those sites are for other things as well.
Creative writing is one of my favorite hobbies and I even keep a journal at home, but that isn't for writing stories. I may not be the best writer in the world, but at least I try my best.
Sara Frances McAlister